Massage @ Work
As the face of the American workplace has dramatically changed over the past few years and corporate downsizing continues, more and more stress is placed on workers who are asked to perform more work in less time. When the new technology and deadlines are seeming to crush you, where can you turn? You may be able to find the needed relief to boost both morale and productivity for your business with On Site Chair Massage.
What is Chair Massage
On Site Chair Massage is a 15 to 20 minute massage to the muscles of the head and neck, the back and shoulders and the arms and hands. This is done while the client is fully dressed sitting in a specially designed chair that facilitates the therapist being able to give the client a soothing, relaxing and therapeutic massage.
Benifits of On Site Chair Massage
- A chair massage program demonstrates the employer’s active commitment to the health and well being of their employees.
- Chair massage is quite affordable to most employers and actually can save the employer money.
One company reported a 25% reduction in time off from work-related injuries and a major drop in compensation claims paid after starting a massage therapy program. (Financial Times, 1992)
- A chair massage revitalizes employees in only 15 minutes while leaving them relaxed but alert.
Studies showed job stress and anxiety were reduced while alertness and performance on math tests was increased following in-chair massage therapy. (International Journal of Neuroscience, 1996)
- The 15 minute chair massage fits into almost anyone’s work schedule.
- The massage is done using a specially designed chair that the therapist brings to your site and requires very little space.
- Used as part of your wellness program, the chair massage requires little or no motivation and promotes better productivity from your employees.
- The results of the chair massage are felt immediately.
- Chair massage relieves muscle tension and fatigue, which can cause headache and soreness, and works to break the repetitive motion cycle that produces injuries such as carpel tunnel syndrome.
What To Expect
A Licensed Massage Therapist comes to your workplace with a specially designed portable chair. The design of the chair allows you to sit in a relaxing position, which gives easy access for the therapist to treat your head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands. Treatments last about 15 minutes and include both relaxation and tension relieving massage, as well as treatments designed to relieve repetitive strain injuries. You are fully clothed and oils are not used for the treatment. This treatment relaxes you and leaves you refreshed and ready to return to work.
How The Program Works
Your on site massage program can be set up in a number of ways.
- A regularly scheduled program such as weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly, as an ongoing program for the employees.
- A massage program combined with seminars on health or work topics, or with other educational programs you may already have in place.
- As an incentive or reward for special project completion or outstanding work performance.
There are several options we provide for setting up On Site Massage visits.
- The employer may offer the program as an ongoing benefit to the employees.
- The employer may pay the hourly rate (minimum 2 hours) for a one-time visit.
- The employer may be billed per treatment for each employee (minimum eight treatments).
- $70/hr for 1st and 2nd hour; $60/hr each additional hour; 2 hour minimum
What Other People are Saying
More and more companies are using Chair Massage in their workplace as they realize the benefits they receive from the money spent. Companies like Apple Computer, Merrill Lynch, Dallas Herald Tribune, Toshiba, and Kaiser Permanente are using what Time Magazine called “minimassage” to invigorate their employees. Documentation shows that for every dollar a company spends on health, it receives about five dollars in return.
Good business sense in promoting health is showing higher productivity and lower absenteeism. Comments from employers, managers, and employees themselves such as, “My energy level has increased”. “The massage makes me more alert”, and speaking about how productivity and morale have gone up for the employees “You wouldn’t believe the difference in this place”, are often heard.